Expansion of the Biological Part of the Municipal Waste Processing Plant in Krasnik.

Expansion of the Biological Part of the Municipal Waste Processing Plant in Krasnik.

Implementation date:
Scope of work:
Obtaining the necessary decisions, execution of construction works, delivery and installation of technical and technological infrastructure equipment including automation
Installation capacity:
30,000 Mg/year

Description of implementation

Another important investment in the waste management sector has been completed - the expansion of the biological part of the municipal waste processing facility (composting plant) at the non-hazardous and inert waste landfill in Krasnik.

Work on this investment began in 2021, when the concept, environmental documentation and design documentation were developed. Then, in 2024, a contract was signed for the construction work and the supply and installation of technology.

With the implementation of the investment, the plant will be able to process 30,000 Mg of waste per year, which will significantly improve the efficiency of processing bio-waste from selective collection. The composting process will make it possible to obtain fertilizer compost of high utility value. The implemented encapsulation of the composting process through the use of sealed bioreactors and an air purification system will significantly reduce odor emissions.

The implementation of this project is an important stage in the development of the waste management system in Krasnik, contributing to improving the efficiency of bio-waste processing and its reuse in the form of valuable compost.‍

Scope of work performed:

  • Obtaining the necessary decisions,
  • Execution of construction works,
  • Supply and installation of technical and technological infrastructure equipment including automation,
  • Training of employees in the operation of new installations,
  • Conducting final tests and obtaining the necessary permits for use,
  • Development of documentation to enable operation of the facility,
  • Preparation of as-built documentation.

Realization Gallery

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See also

Modernization and expansion of the waste composting plant at the Regional Waste Recovery Facility in Sianow

Implementation date:
See implementation
General contracting

Construction of a sorting hall, accompanying infrastructure, educational path, and reconstruction and expansion of the existing yard for construction waste in Chojnice

Implementation date:
See implementation
General contracting

Design and construction of a digestion plant and a shed and storage boxes at the "Eagle Pond" ZUOK

Implementation date:
See implementation
General contracting