Biogas workshop


AK NOVA and the National Forum of Directors of Urban Cleaning Plants invite you to participate in a workshop to be held on March 21-22, 2023 at Tłokinia Palace (46 Koscielna Street, 62-860 Tłokinia Koscielna).

Workshop Program:

March 21, 2023 (Tuesday) 10:30 am - 11:00 am-Registration of workshop participants

11:00 - 11:30- - Assumptions of the program, boundary conditions, opportunities and threats11:30 - 12:30-£ukasz Kubisz - Environmental and formal requirements of the priority program and the preparation path necessary to submit an application

12:30 - 13:30-Jacek Chrząstek - Selection of technology in terms of program requirements

13:30 - 14:30-Lunch

14:30 - 15:30- Andrzej Krzyśków - Feasibility study - the key to the success of the Installation.

15:30 - 16:30-Piotr Szewczyk - Pre-investment phase - PFU, SWZ, Contract ; how to carry out safe and successful tender proceedings

16:30 - 19:00- Individual discussions and talks with Lecturers

19:00 - 22:00- Dinner at Tłokinia Palace

March 22, 2023(Wednesday).

‍8.00-breakfast9.30-departure to Orli Staw (Orli Staw 2, 62- 834 Ceków - access on your own)

10:00 - 12:30-Tour of the digestion plant at ZUOK "Eagle Pond" assisted by the Contractor's and Contracting Authority's operating personnel." - Assisted by key personnel and scope of work of key positions: plant operator, laboratory technician, energy technician, loader operator, maintenance."

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