Visit to New Manor Waste Management Plant


On January 25, 2024, we had the privilege of visiting the New Manor Waste Management Plant to see the new, newly completed sorting plant for selectively collected waste. At the site, we saw the sorting plant in operation and were shown around by the Plant Manager along with the Sorting Plant Manager. This is a very valuable experience for us, as this facility is an investment that we had the opportunity to co-create.

After the tour of the sorting plant, we traveled together to Notera Hotel Charzykowy, where there were presentations by Ak Nova employees. The meeting was an opportunity to share the latest information from the environmental industry and discuss the wide range of AK Nova's activities.

In an atmosphere of mutual exchange of experience and knowledge, both representatives of AK Nova and ZZO Nowy Dwór had a chance to establish new partnerships, which will certainly contribute to more effective development of environmental protection activities.

We thank you for this useful and enjoyable time and wish you more successful investments.